. Time .  

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today 01 June, the start of another new month. Times passing with us knowing that we are not young anymore. Life has been good so far which makes us take for granted our everyday lives. We live it like it is for now until not knowing when. Reality stops us from dreaming, from thinking of what we hope or want to achieve. Bodies starts to frail bit by bit, we do not have the energy and passion we used to have. We are easily afraid, easily paranoid, easily agitated, more impatient and lower level of tolerance for everything. But life goes on ... Until one day when everything breaks down, you tell yourself to stand up again. Over and over each time, you became stronger, became emotionless, everything just seems like a straight road to no end. Nothing by the side of the road that excites you again. And that smile on your face slowly fades away ... 

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