Rebuilding Trust  

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Trust in relationships is very important and one affair can well destroy one partner's trust in the cheating party. If you want to regain the trust in your partner - or you just want to rebuild trust in relationships that has been peppered with infidelity, there is definitely more to do than just promising to 'never do it again'.

There is no 100% guarantee that your partner will not cheat again. There is no 100% guarantee that you two will stay together. At the same time, there is no guarantee that your partner WILL cheat again (or at all). There is no guarantee that you two will break up either.

That's the thing about life and relationships. They can be nearly impossible to predict.
It's probable that, when you fell in love with your partner and you two started your relationship, you would not have guessed that he or she would have an affair. Maybe you had your concerns and worries, but it's highly likely that you did not think your love would cheat.

Yet, he or she did.

Now, if you have decided to try to rebuild trust and repair your relationship, your mind might be overrun with fears that your partner will break your heart by cheating again. These fears are understandable and they can also stand in the way of you being able to do what it takes to help put your relationship back on track.

It's a real quandary.

You don't want to be lied to and hurt by infidelity ever again and so you get cautious and tentative. This cautiousness can hold you back from opening up to the healing and growth that's necessary to save your relationship.

It can feel like one step forward and many steps back all of the time.
It would be great if there was some absolutely reliable way to know, without a doubt, that your partner is actually telling you the truth now and that he or she has really changed.

But there's not.

If you want to rebuild trust in relationships, you have to prove your promise and words by action OVER TIME. It is not a day's job, as a broken trust will take some time to rebuild. You have to be patient on this.  

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